Longhorn Solar Blog

Make Power Outages a Thing of the Past

In February 2021, the entire grid of the state of Texas was just four minutes and 37 seconds away from complete collapse. Rolling blackouts that lasted for days in subzero temperatures left many Texans to resort to methods of sheltering and keeping warm that they had never thought they would have to experience. Anything can cause your power to go out. Nearby car accidents. Road construction. It happens all the time. Now, we’re facing more extreme weather than ever and the strain on the electrical grid continues to grow. The best strategy is to already have a plan in place. After all, an [...]

Make Power Outages a Thing of the Past2024-03-08T15:54:18+00:00

How Does Solar Energy Work?

Did you know that solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on earth? 173,000 terawatts of solar energy are hitting the earth at any given moment. That's more than 10,000 times the world's total energy use! With such an abundant energy source, why wouldn’t we harvest it to power our homes? If you’re interested in learning the details on how we make this energy power your life (and even the grid), keep reading. We’ve got the 5 steps to turning sunlight into usable power. Step 1: The Solar Panel Set-Up Your solar system starts with the solar panels. Each panel is [...]

How Does Solar Energy Work?2024-03-08T15:50:58+00:00

Legislative Update: Yes, You Can Still Get a 26% Tax Credit on Solar!

UPDATED AUGUST 2022: As part of the recent Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) has been increased to 30% and extended for 10 more years (through December 31, 2032). This is great news for Texans who installed solar in 2022 and for new installations in years to come. Learn more about the tax credit and other available solar rebates and incentives that will add money right back into your pocket. ------------ We’ve got great news! Residential and commercial property owners are now eligible to get the 26% solar investment tax credit (ITC) until 2023. Why? Congress [...]

Legislative Update: Yes, You Can Still Get a 26% Tax Credit on Solar!2024-03-08T15:49:55+00:00

Charge Your EV with Longhorn & SolarEdge

Are you ready to start walking (and driving) on sunshine? Now is the time to ready for your first (or next) electric vehicle! Why? Global sales of EVs are projected to jump 36% and top 3 million vehicles for the first time ever this year. When you install solar panels with Longhorn, we can connect them to the SolarEdge Home Hub. This system powers your EV and your home, allowing you greater access, control, and efficiency over your off-grid solutions. Drive on Sunshine The Energy Hub inverter is preconfigured to easily connect to a Level 2 Smart EV Charger without the [...]

Charge Your EV with Longhorn & SolarEdge2024-03-08T15:48:52+00:00

What Is a Solar Tax Rebate and What Can It Do for Me?

There are so many ways to save money when you invest in solar, one exciting way is the solar tax credit. It’s so easy to take advantage of! The solar rebate is a 30% tax credit on your federal taxes when you get solar panels installed on your residential or commercial properties through 2022. How Does It Work? Unlike a tax deduction, which reduces the amount you pay taxes on, this credit simply reduces the amount that you owe at the end of the year. Think of it as a “subtraction” from the amount you owe the government. The BEST Part: [...]

What Is a Solar Tax Rebate and What Can It Do for Me?2024-03-08T15:47:49+00:00

Yes, You Can Afford to Go Solar

Over the years, solar has gone from a rare luxury for a few DIY experts to a common household utility. Thanks to lowered production costs and increased demand, we are seeing a marked increase in accessibility. According to a Forbes article, “in Q1 2020, module prices averaged 0.21 US dollars per watt, in comparison to 0.63 US dollars per watt in Q1 2016.” That’s a 33% reduction in cost in only four years! You can now afford to go solar. Save on Federal Taxes There are many government incentives for going solar.  The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) allows a 30% [...]

Yes, You Can Afford to Go Solar2024-03-08T15:46:26+00:00

How to Know If Your Home is a Good Choice for Solar Panels

Is my home a good fit for solar? There are several factors to take into consideration in determining the viability of a solar panel system. Roof orientation, shading, and roof condition are all central aspects of the decision. We will discuss each in detail here. To calculate your initial results, try our Solar Calculator. Optimal Orientation Installing your panels on a south-facing roof is generally ideal in the northern hemisphere. The more square footage you can get on the south-facing side of your house, the more your system can generate. West-facing is secondary, and East is tertiary in terms of getting [...]

How to Know If Your Home is a Good Choice for Solar Panels2024-03-08T15:29:54+00:00

Eight Ways to Save with Solar Energy

With all the hype around solar power reducing your energy bill, we wanted to highlight the other ways that you can save. Here’s a breakdown of all the possibilities for saving (and even earning) by making the switch. Save on your Electricity Bill This one is easy: Texas heat plus working and learning from home means doubled or tripled daily energy usage. This translates to an astronomical electric bill every month. Having your jaw hit the floor so often gets tiring. On average, Texans can save nearly $1,000 per year over a 20 year period. We have a great solar panel [...]

Eight Ways to Save with Solar Energy2024-03-08T01:31:21+00:00

10 reasons to refer your friends and family to Longhorn Solar

Ten reasons to refer your friends and family to Longhorn Solar There are many reasons to refer members of your community to Longhorn Solar, but we want to share a few of our customers’ favorites. Keep scrolling to discover why they ditched the grid for a better renewable energy solution. Some of their reasons might even surprise you!   1. We’re the #1 solar installer in Texas For five years, we’ve been listed on SolarReviews.com as the #1 solar panel installer in Texas. We are proud to be the best at what we do, and our other industry awards reflect that. [...]

10 reasons to refer your friends and family to Longhorn Solar2024-03-07T23:30:06+00:00

How much does a solar panel system really cost?

The burning question everyone wants to know the answer to is: how much do solar panels really cost? The answer is...it depends. As with most home renovations or additions, there is a multitude of factors that go into the final price. There's also the customer's preferences and lifestyle to consider as well. Adding solar panels to your home is no exception to this rule. For instance, a 2,000 square foot household with two adults that turn up their thermostat seven degrees in the summer and down seven degrees in the winter will have much different energy costs than a family of [...]

How much does a solar panel system really cost?2024-03-07T23:15:23+00:00
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